Dr Sofronis Loizides
BSc(Hons), MBBS(Hons), MSc(Hons), FRCS(Eng)
Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon
Specialist in Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery
and Gastrointestinal Oncological Surgery
28 Nafpliou Str
Medical Court, Office 303
Limassol 3025, Cyprus
American Medical Centre
215,Spyrou Kyprianou Ave. 2047 Strovolos 1311 Nicosia, Cyprus
F: +357 25 355 212

Specialist Colorectal Surgeon Cyprus

General and Colorectal Surgeon Sofronis Loizides, Limassol Cyprus.

Sofronis Loizides Colorectal and General Surgeon Limassol.

Specialist Colorectal Surgeon Cyprus
Dear Patients,

Welcome to my website. Having had an 18 year long training path abroad in the UK and Australia I decided to settle down in my home town of Limassol. I have a special bond with Cyprus and the field of surgery since my father is a retired General Surgeon who practised in Cyprus for a number of years.
During my training abroad I have equipped myself with a number of skills and expertise which I am excited to bring back to my home country. The vast majority of my work is conducted with minimally invasive techniques, either laparoscopic or robotic which have numerous advantages over conventional open surgery.
I aim to deliver to you the highest quality care, with state of the art techniques and the latest evidence from clinical research with honesty, respect, and most importantly making you, the patient my number one priority.
This website is not aimed at giving you in-depth detail of diseases or treatment, just a very brief outlook. In places there are links to approved patient information websites. I would be more than happy to be contacted for further information.
I look forwards to your visit.

Dr Sofronis Loizides
About the Surgeon
Dr Loizides is a general and colorectal surgeon with a specialist interest in advanced minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic and robotic) of the gastrointestinal tract and pelvic oncology. He is based in Cyprus and has recently returned following his 18-year long training programme in world leading centres in the UK and Australia.
Dr Loizides graduated from the University College of London (UCL) with a prize winning Honours degree. He also completed a Bachelors degree (BSc) in Neuroscience achieving first class honours under the supervision of Nobel prize winner Professor John O’Keefe.
He completed his surgical training in distinguished university hospitals in London and Surrey. He trained in all aspects of general surgery and sub-specialised in gastrointestinal surgery. He completed a Masters Degree (MSc.) in ‘Evidence Based Healthcare’ for which he achieved First Class.
Dr Loizides was awarded the certificate of completion of training (CCT) in the UK in October 2018 and was admitted as a fellow to the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS).
Dr Loizides was then selected for a one year post-graduate fellowship at the world-renowned Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital in Sydney, Australia. He worked under Professor Michael Solomon, a world leader in colorectal surgery. Dr Loizides trained in performing complex pelvic surgery and cytoreductive surgery with heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for locally advanced, recurrent and metastatic abdominal malignancies. At the same time he continued to perform laparoscopic as well as robotic surgery and general surgery including emergencies and trauma.
During the various stages of his training Dr Loizides was actively involved in clinical research and endeavoured to practise evidence-based medicine. He has presented his research at congresses internationally and has published a number of scientific research articles (click here for list).
Dr Loizides can provide treatment in all aspects of general surgery such as hernias, skin lesions and lumps, gallbladder disease, pilonidal disease and all aspects of benign and malignant disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Specialist services
General Surgery
General surgery is a specialty that deals with a wide range of conditions and operations from minor cases such as removing skin lesions to much more complex elective and emergency surgery. This requires a very broad and diverse set of skills.
Commonly performed general surgical operations are:
Removal of skin lesions and lumps such as lipomas, cysts and moles
Lymph node biopsy
Laparoscopic appendicectomy for acute appendicitis
Small bowel resection
Laparoscopic or open release of adhesions
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Emergency Surgery
General surgeons deal with a wide array of emergencies. In the immediate setting any trauma to the thorax and abdomen is initially dealt with by a general surgeon. Abdominal emergencies such as perforation of the stomach or bowel or appendix leading to peritonitis, blockage of the bowel, inflammation of the bowel or gallbladder need to be dealt with by a general surgeon. A lot of these conditions can still be managed with a minimally invasive approach, commonly laparoscopically.
Examples of such conditions and operations include:
Abdominal trauma- Trauma laparotomy and damage control
Chest Trauma - Insertion of chest drain
Perforation of bowel/stomach/appendix - Laparoscopic or open repair
Necrotic bowel - Laparoscopic or open bowel resection
Blocked bowel from tumour- Laparoscopic or open resection
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Laparoscopic- Robotic or Open
The colon and rectum are parts of the large bowel. There are a variety of conditions associated with the bowel which are common and need the attention of the surgeon. Examples include diverticular disease, colon polyps, various forms of bowel cancer and inflammatory bowel disease such as Cronhs and Ulcerative Colitis. These conditions are commonly treated in close collaboration with your gastroenterologist.
Procedures to the large bowel may include:
Right hemicolectomy
Left Hemicolectomy
Subtotal colectomy +/- pouch formation
High anterior resection
Low and ultralow anterior resection with temporary stoma
Abdominoperineal excision of rectum with permanent colostomy
Hernia Surgery
Laparoscopic or Open
Hernias are extremely common and one of the commonest operations we perform as general surgeons. They can occur in various positions of the abdomen, groin and loin. Fixing these hernias can sometimes involve the use of prosthetic reinforcing material called the ‘mesh’.
Occasionally hernia repairs can be very complex and involve and element of abdominal wall reconstruction.
Examples of hernia repairs include:
Groin hernia - Laparoscopic extraperitoneal repair or open repair
Incisional hernia
Umbilical hernia
Epigastric hernia
Proctology and Pilonidal disease
Conditions around the anus and coccygeal area are extremely common. It can be embarrassing to talk about them and takes courage to seek medical attention! There are a number of investigations and techniques employed to treat theses conditions which are tailored to the individual patient.
Examples of the conditions and the techniques employed are:
Haemorrhoids - Haemorrhoidectomy, Milligan-Morgan(open) or Ferguson(closed), Haemorrhoidal artery ligation with Doppler (HAL-RAR), Stapled haemorrhoidectomy, Energy device haemorrhoidectomy
Perianal abscess - drainage
Perianal fistula - Placement of seton, laying open, advancement flaps, LIFT procedure
Fissure in ano - Botox injection, fissurectomy
Pilonidal disease - excision and local advancement flap (Cleft lift procedure)
Surgery to the Gallbladder and Spleen
The gallbladder is a pear sized organ in the right upper abdomen. It commonly gives rise to problems due to the development of gallstones. A range of symptoms can arise such as pain, jaundice, nausea and vomiting.
The cause can be inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), inflammation to your pancreas gland (pancreatitis) and stones blocking the pipes that drain bile from your gallbladder. Procedures carried out include:
Intraoperative cholangiogram
Subtotal cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration
‘Hot’ cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis, biliary colic and pancreatitis
The spleen may sometimes need to be removed, due to various conditions, commonly haematological, and rarely due to malignant disease. It can be removed laparoscopically, robotically or with open surgery.
Pelvic Floor Surgery
The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that form a sling around the base of the pelvis. The pelvic organs, including the womb (uterus), rectum and bladder, are held in position by these pelvic floor muscles.
The incidence of pelvic floor disorders increases when the muscles of the pelvic floor and connective tissue are injured or weakened. Some of the causes are pregnancy, childbirth or complicated delivery, surgical complications and obesity. Some of the common pelvic floor disorders include pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and anal incontinence.
A lot of the times symptoms can be managed without surgery, with specialist physiotherapy and drug therapy.
Surgery can be considered in patients with severe symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse. Specifically for rectal prolapse the aim of the surgery is to restore the anatomy:
Ventral mesh rectopexy - Robotic or laparoscopic
Resection rectopexy - Robotic or laparoscopic
Perineal and sphincter repairs
Transanal endoscopic Surgery
Large rectal polyps as well as early rectal cancer can be removed with this minimally invasive technique where a specially designed microscope and instruments are passed through the back passage to perform the surgery. It is a development of single-port laparoscopic technique and it avoids cuts on the outside of the anus and abdomen.
Different platforms can be used for this operation:
TAMIS - Transanal minimally invasive surgery
TEMS - Transanal endoscopic microsurgery
Surgery for endometriosis
Endometriosis is a complex disease of unknown origin that causes inflammation and fibrosis in the pelvis. Typical symptoms are pain, dysmenorrhea and gastrointestinal disorders. It can occasionally lead to infertility.
When the bowel (small bowel, colon and rectum) is involved a combined approach is usually employed between an expert gynaecologist and specialist colorectal surgeon.
Minimally invasive techniques are usually employed and procedures that might be performed include:
Release of adhesions or scar tissue between the bowel and the pelvic organs, or
Removal a small piece ( "disc") of the rectal wall, or
Removal of a segment of colon or rectum (a bowel resection).
Cytoreductive Surgery and 'HIPEC' for advanced peritoneal disease
Cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is an innovative procedure used to treat cancers that have originated in or spread to the abdominal cavity, such as appendiceal cancer, pseudomyxoma peritonei, colon cancer, gastric cancer, ovarian cancer, and peritoneal mesothelioma.
The surgery consists of two parts: the excision or reduction of cancer deposits in the peritoneal cavity and the subsequent infusion of heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) to eradicate small tumors and cancerous cells invisible to the naked eye.
The surgery is complex and only performed after special consideration of each individual case. Recent evidence suggests that with this type of surgery survival is significantly prolonged.
Pelvic Exenteration for advanced and recurrent pelvic cancer
Pelvic exenteration is a surgery performed for patients with extensive primary or locally recurrent pelvic malignancy, most frequently associated with rectal or gynaecological cancer.
A pelvic exenteration is performed to remove cancer that has involved part, or all of, the contents of the pelvis. Surgery can differ from patient to patient depending on the position and involvement of the disease.
This is a highly complex and lengthy surgery that is reserved for patients with advanced disease that are able to with-take such an operation. This surgery often involves surgeons of different specialties including urologists, vascular, orthopaedic and plastic.
Contact us
Dr Sofronis Loizides is available for all your medical enquiries. Please contact us via phone, email or fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
28 Nafpliou Street
Medical court, Office 303
Limassol 3025

© 2020 Sofronis Loizides